Trump running mate’s rude attack on Harris defies logic

When a reporter asked J. D. Vance about this week’s Arlington Cemetery incident, he deflected by launching into a rant about the 13 American soldiers killed in the Kabul airport terrorist attack, then segued into a rude and illogical attack on Harris culminating with “she can go to hell!”

What is he talking about? The Vice President is not the commander-in-chief, and does not direct or oversee the military, or have any responsibility for military operations; her constitutional role is to preside over the Senate, and in the Situation Room she’s only an observer.

This cringeworthy outburst makes him look like a flailing candidate trying to score cheap political points. It’s not only a cheapshot, but as a talking point, it sounds contrived, the outrage comes across as fake, and the whole thing falls flat. This isn’t effective campaigning, it’s merely thrashing. Even worse, it makes him look impulsive and lacking in self-control.

By the way, what about the 241 Americans killed in the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing? Can Reagan go to hell, too? This is just more evidence that Vance, at age 40 and with only 1 year of Senate experience under his belt, is an inept campaigner and not ready for political primetime.

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