Political arguments that are just plain silly

Election years are called “the silly season” for a reason.

That’s when partisans try out talking points, to see if anything will stick. This can be a serious endeavor, as when arguments address policy differences, or things that aren’t going well in the country or economy. But some political attacks are ludicrous.

I already discussed one here: Vance’s profanity-laced attempt to blame Vice President Harris for the Kabul airport terrorist attack that killed 13 U.S. servicemen.

Another is the attempt to paint Tim Walz, her running mate, as a liar because he confused in vitro fertilization with intrauterine insemination. (C’mon, how many guys can keep that straight?)

Or how about the woman who shotgunned her dog in a gravel pit calling Harris “crazy”? Or people attacking her for not putting a college summer job at McDonalds on her lawyer resume?

Here’s another one: Trump “hurled an attack at President Joe Biden … in which he asked MAGA supporters, ‘Who the hell wants to sleep in public?'” (For the record, he denies dozing off in court, even though people saw it.)

Me! I want to sleep in public! Before I retired, my work schedule required me to get up early in the morning, and I rode a commuter bus to work. You’d better believe I tried to get some extra winks on the bus. And when I was in the Army, I learned to sleep standing in formation with my eyes open so the sergeant wouldn’t notice. What’s more, I have nothing against falling asleep on a park bench, especially when watching a sunset!

Lying is bad enough, but stupidity is worse. It’s not good campaign strategy, either. Insulting voters’ intelligence, as Trump did here, makes people tune him out. Trump should go to the dunce corner for this one.

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