Tomi Lahren hasn’t improved over time

Tomi Lahren (photo, left) obtained a journalism degree, then sought work in political commentary, but she’s neither a journalist nor a political commentator.

She’s a pretty face with helium between her ears who, these days, gets paid big bucks by Fox to parrot Republican talking points on air when she’s not trying to fly through the air in a superhero costume.

I have a journalism degree, too, and was a news reporters before I became a lawyer, so I think I know what a journalist is. On a purely professional basis, I’ve never had respected her abilities, because she doesn’t have many, and misuses the few she has.

In December 2017, I described her (here) as a “child” hired by conservative media to “talk to their audiences of children,” and posted a video to prove it. In January 2022, I said (here) she’s “so full of helium” you wonder how she manages “not to float away.” Then in November 2022, I said (here) she’s not only “an intellectual lightweight” who doesn’t know what she’s talking about, but even worse “lacks a moral compass.”

In short, she’s not worth listening to. I’m not picking on her; she chooses to parrot the Republican Party’s dumbest talking points, and get paid by Fox for doing it. In fact, I suspect Fox producers save the better ones for their better-paid, primetime hosts, under some sort of seniority system. Which brings me to this:

“During a Sunday Fox News panel discussion about Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz, Lahren noted that the candidate and his wife had used intrauterine insemination — or IUI — instead of IVF treatments to start a family.”

Then Lahren went off like this:

“‘His pattern of telling little white lies or little fibs, it does reveal that maybe he does have an issue with being fully transparent, or maybe his truth is different than the actual truth,’ Lahren opined.”

I’m not making this up; read it for yourself here. Now ask yourself this: How many guys know the difference between IUI and IVF? And mixing them up is lying? No, what’s going on here is GOP propagandists are throwing gobs of glop at the wall to find out if anything will stick, and Lahren is just one little cog in this wheel who was given this most demeaning task. Think of it as flinging dog poop while everyone else is throwing spaghetti. And she willingly accepted the assignment.

Oh, and one more thing: It’s never a good idea to talk down to someone who knows way more about a subject (e.g., foreign trade) than she does. See story here.

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