Trump complains of personal attacks

After listening to the Obamas speak at the Democratic convention, Trump had three words for them. “Don’t get personal,” he said (read story here). From the guy who led “lock her up!” chants.

The expanded version goes,

“You know, they always say, sir, please stick to policy,” the former president said of his advisers. “Don’t get personal. And yet they’re getting personal all night long, these people. Do I still have to stick to policy? Sir, you must stick to policy.”

It’s true that Trump campaign strategists are bugging him to talk about policy, and urging him to lay off the personal attacks. He’s not listening; he told them, “I think I’m entitled to personal attacks.” (See story here.)

Which probably has Democrats salivating. In fact, a cynic might suspect the Obamas and other convention speakers are trolling him. Trump reportedly is keeping count of how many times they mention his name (see story here). Hook, line, and sinker.

By the end of their convention, they may have him bleeding from his eyes. But at least he’ll still get the vampire vote.

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