Cop who raped 13-year-old girl gets 20 days in jail

Shawn Jordan (photo, left) was a 38-year-old cop in Rochester, New York, when he raped the 13-year-old girl.

Now 40 years old, he pleaded guilty in exchange for 10 weekends in jail, 10 years of probation, and $1,000 of fines. He also has to register as a sex offender, lost his job, and will never work as a cop again.

The prosecutor agreed to this travesty to spare the girl from having to testify against him in court, which would have exposed her to a very unpleasant cross-examination by Jordan’s defense attorneys.

Imagine what would’ve happened to him if he was sent to prison — a cop who raped a child. I’m sure that gave him cold sweats. It could still happen, because his legal troubles aren’t over, and another judge will get a crack at him when he goes on trial for indecent exposure to a 16-year-old girl. (Read story here.)

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