Dead bear cub case solved

In October 2014, a dead bear cub was found in New York’s Central Park. The story made headlines. CNN reported at the time (here), “The only bears known to inhabit New York’s Central Park are at its zoo – so how did a dead bear cub end up under a bush? Neither police nor park officials had an answer for that late Monday.”

Clues were sparse: “The cub … appeared to show signs of trauma with an injury to its side and possible lacerations, police said. It was not immediately clear whether the bear wandered into the park or if its body was dumped there.” The incident went into NYPD’s cold case file.

The mystery is solved. It was roadkill, picked up miles away and driven to the city, then dumped in the park. The person who did that was Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (see story here).

Kennedy confessed after learning the New Yorker got the story from multiple sources. He admitted “it’s gonna be a bad story.” Yeah it is. This wasn’t some prank by young men; he was 60 years old when he dumped the bear in one of the world’s busiest parks.

Now he’s running for president as a third-party candidate. Some people might be tempted to vote for him, because they don’t like the major party candidates, or they like his weirdness. But who, really, should be voting for someone still pulling teenage pranks at the age of 60? Someone who, clearly, has yet to grow up?

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