McConnell doesn’t like Biden’s Supreme Court reforms

Good. If he did, I’d be very suspicious.

Sen. McConnell broke every rule of Senate collegiality when he blocked Obama’s appointee, using “it’s an election year” as an excuse, then jammed through another Trump appointee right before an election.

McConnell engineered a conservative court majority that is wildly unpopular with the public. It has broken long-standing court tradition and practice by disregarding established precedents to make political decisions. It sometimes even changes case facts to do so.

This is a court that preordains the outcome, then twists the law to fit the result it wants — the opposite of what judges are supposed to do. It’s a rogue court, and McConnell created it.

He’s not supposed to like reforms designed to set things straight. But he really went over the top by comparing Biden’s proposals — which are election year show-and-tell, and have little chance of being enacted — with the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. This is what he said:

“That’s what some people were trying to do Jan. 6 — to break the system of handing an administration from one to the next. We can have our arguments, but we ought to not try to break the rules.”

(Read story here.) Puh-leeze. He broke the rules to create a rule-breaking court. You can eat the hypocrisy with a spoon. Of course other conservatives are weighing in, too (you can hear their bells jingling); e.g., Trump’s last attorney general (they come and go), Bill Barr, said:

“Americans need to understand that the campaign to radically change the Court is coming.”

This came close, and just needs a little editing, as follows: “Americans need to understand that a campaign to change the radical Court is coming.” Millions of Americans disgusted with the Supreme Court that McConnell put together certainly hope so.

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