Will a teenager lead North Korea?

Kim Jung Un is only 40, but he’s already “preparing his teenage daughter to lead the nuclear-armed state after his death,” according to South Korea’s spy agency (read story here).

He’s obese (reports say over 300 lbs.) — as dictator, he gets to eat, while his people starve — and “is known for heavy drinking and smoking and he comes from a family with a history of heart problems.” By his early 30s, he had high blood pressure and diabetes.

Fatso clearly needs a home gym, even if it’s just a treadmill in a garage, but nobody can tell him anything. Instead, his government is trying to get Western medicines, with unknowable success. One assumes they’re after the new fat pills.

Little is known about his daughter (read what there is here), but she’s been making public appearances and is being elevated in status, which leads South Korea to believe she’s being groomed as Fatso’s heir apparent. That makes sense, because Kim has sought to diminish the military’s authority, and North Korea increasingly is viewed as a monarchy.

Photo below: “Kim Fatty III” and his daughter; notice how everybody claps in The Leader’s presence? They don’t want to be sent to the coal mines. 

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