Don’t use commie cooking oil, it’ll give you a gut ache

Capitalism has crooks like this guy, but communism is worse.

In fact, China is one of the world’s more corrupt countries (see ratings here and article here), so they can’t say their system is superior to ours in that respect.

Feloniously sloppy airplane assembly is bad, but so far has only a few hundred victims. In China, eating isn’t safe. In China, in 2008, tainted milk made 300,000 babies sick; no word on how many comrades were shot for that.

Now, Chinese are getting sick from cooking oil. Why? Because they don’t clean out the tanker trucks between loads of fuel, chemicals, and cooking oil (see story here). Somebody probably will get shot for that, too, but it won’t change anything.

If China invades Taiwan tomorrow, it might be because they have edible cooking oil. Meanwhile, in China people are buying oil presses to make their own, because they don’t trust the commie cooking oil. I wonder how they feel about Chinese-built airplanes? I know they used to buy ours.

Photo below: Shelves of commie cooking oil; a British Lister Diesel probably could run on this stuff, maybe even better with the diesel fuel mixed in

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