Project 2025 promotes pollution, ignores climate change

Project 2025, an ultra-conservative blueprint that anticipates Trump will be elected in 2024, looks like it was written by oil industry lobbyists.

It “calls for the elimination of multiple energy- and environment-related offices and rules,” The Hill says, and would put political appointees in charge of overseeing “science at major federal agencies,” especially the EPA.

It would dismantle NOAA and refocus the National Weather Service on “commercial operations.”

It would eliminate Energy Department offices that focus on renewable energy, climate technology, and energy technology research. The Interior Department’s priority would be producing oil and gas on federal lands. Read story here.

If there’s a common thread running through all this, it’s maximizing business profits. That’s all they care about. Nothing else counts.

Remember when Trump took a sharpie to a hurricane tracking map (photo below)? That’s the kind of weather forecasting you’ll have. The “solution” to wildfires will be cutting down forests. Muzzled scientists will move to academia and spend their time refuting government lies.

Climate change is happening whether Republicans believe it or not. Nature, atmospheric chemistry, and the laws of physics don’t give a damn what they think. The impacts will keep coming, and getting worse. They’ll cover it up, until they no longer can. That’s no way to run a government.

Who votes for these people? L0w-education, low-information, voters. Don’t be one of them.

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