NY Post’s thinly-veiled racist attack on Kamala Harris

As pressure mounts on Biden to pull out of the 2024 race, eyes are turning toward Kamala Harris (photo, left), the person most likely to succeed him as Democratic nominee. She could even be president if he resigns.

Although Biden still insists on staying in, Republicans are planning for that possibility. On Saturday, July 6, New York Post unveiled the first rightwing media attack on Harris as a prospective nominee.

It was what you’d expect from conservative racists. Writing for the Post, famously combative former Wall Street Journal reporter Charlie Gasparino (photo, below right; profile here) said, “America may soon be subjected to the country’s first DEI president: Kamala Harris.” (See story here.)

Sorry, Charlie, that’s racist. Harris isn’t the frontrunner to replace Biden, if he bows out, because of her race. While demographics plays a role in campaign strategy, the main reason for Democrats to coalesce around her is to avoid a convention fight. Polls also show she’s the strongest alternative nominee against Trump.

You’re also off base in claiming that DEI “is literally destroying businesses that go there.” Forbes says (here), “Improving diversity, equity and inclusion has been championed as a strategic business priority thanks to its proven capacity to drive innovation, foster a more inclusive workplace culture and enhance organizational performance.”

Those are the reasons many businesses are embracing DEI; and no businesses are having it forced on them. Given Gasparino’s experience in business reporting, he should know that.

If Garsparino’s piece is a harbinger of what rightwing reporting of a Trump-Harris race would look like, it will only further cement conservative media’s reputation for fostering racism and playing fast and loose with facts.

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