Leave other people’s posters and signs alone

An angry Rep. Brad Schneider (D-IL), who’s Jewish, says posters of Israeli hostages were ripped off the wall outside his Capitol Hill office (photo, left; story here).

No, no, no! No to pulling up other people’s yard signs, too. The right-and-wrong isn’t about whose views are right or wrong; it’s about damaging property and interfering with free speech.

Unless everyone has free speech, no one does; if you can do it to them, they can do it to you. Don’t pull up Trump yard signs or vice-versa. Trump and Biden yard signs can and should peacefully co-exist (photo below). This is a big world, and it has enough space for everybody’s opinions.

Politics generates heated passions. I get it. But folks, we’re just having a conversation. No pushing, shoving, or punching; that’s asking for jail time. Destroying someone else’s yard sign can get you arrested, too (see story here).

In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, there are bad guys on both sides, with civilians of both sides trapped in the middle. Palestinians are mistreated, but destructive protests undermine public sympathy and support for them.

While I’m writing this, I have a message for Justice Alito’s wife, who doesn’t like Pride flags (see story here). Honey, you know what? Lots of people don’t like your rightwing militia flag. But they have a right to their flag, just as you have a right to your flag. Whining is allowed, which you’re good at, and you can even whine publicly  instead of hiding it if you like.

Keeping hands off other people’s signs, posters, stickers, and flags isn’t respecting them or their views; it’s respecting the principle of free speech. You respect their rights, they respect your rights. That’s how we keep our rights.

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