Archive for June, 2024

June 17th, 2024 - 4:36 pm § in Donald Trump, Politics, Republicans

America’s dumbest senator strikes again

Nevada’s economy is hospitality, and in a gambit for that state’s electoral votes, Trump floated the idea of exempting tip income from taxes. Now along comes Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), who thinks it’s a tax exemption for people who tip, and called the idea “awesome” [...]

June 17th, 2024 - 9:21 am § in Biden, Donald Trump, News Media, Politics

Is it OK for a non-veteran to wear dogtags?

I’m a veteran, and I don’t wear dogtags (anymore). Fox host Maria Bartiromo isn’t a veteran, and she wears dogtags, to honor the veterans in her family. After thinking about it, I’m OK with it; it’s nice that she pays tribute to her father, who served, and uncle, who wa[...]

June 17th, 2024 - 1:36 am § in Donald Trump, Politics, Republicans

Politicians without backbone

What does the GOP need that it lacks? Politico figured it out. Here. Its article begins by focusing on a single day of the 2016 campaign in South Carolina. That day was February 18, 2016. Trump wasn’t yet the GOP nominee. On a stage were Marco Rubio, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, and Trey Gowdy. A [[...]

June 16th, 2024 - 9:17 pm § in Donald Trump, Economics

Who pays tariffs?

Consumers do. In his first campaign, Trump claimed China would pay his tariffs. That’s false. The U.S. can’t make China pay taxes. All it can do is make Americans pay taxes on Chinese goods. Tariffs are imposed at the U.S. border when goods come into the country. They become part of the [...]

June 16th, 2024 - 3:21 pm § in Law and Courts

A psychiatric patient took the fall for a killer cop

A very confused psychiatric patient spent 43 years in prison for a murder committed by a cop. The only evidence against her was a string of rambling, incoherent, and frequently changing confessions, ultimately coerced by threatening her with the death penalty. Absolutely nothing tied her to the cr[...]

June 15th, 2024 - 11:47 pm § in Law and Courts, Racism, Republicans

Racist punches Bellingham boy

Republicans deny racism exists. In June 2023, the Atlantic said, “One of the core beliefs that binds the modern GOP coalition is rejection of the idea that minorities and women face structural bias in American society” (see story here). In January 2024, GOP candidates Nikki Haley and Ro[...]

June 15th, 2024 - 9:51 pm § in Health, Republicans

Dr. Fauci didn’t kill puppies

In 2021, a Republican advocacy group accused Dr. Anthony Fauci of funding “cruel” drug and vaccine testing on beagles. Rightwing media ran with the story, which became known as “Beaglegate,” and Don Trump Jr. even sold “Fauci kills puppies” t-shirts (photo below).[...]

June 15th, 2024 - 8:31 pm § in Biden, Politics

Did Biden “wander off” during G7?

Nope, just rightwing media pushing another lie to make Biden look feeble. “Conservative media outlets … spread a claim Thursday and Friday that President Joe Biden wandered off from a meeting of world leaders, but the full video … tells a different story,” NBC News reported [...]

June 15th, 2024 - 2:07 pm § in Law and Courts

Supreme Court voids bump stock ban

Six conservative justices ruled they’re not covered by the 1934 federal machinegun law. Lawyers for the Texas gun owner who challenged the rule argued “it’s a difficult skill to master.” In other words, a 12-year-old with a grudge against classmates couldn’t fire an AR-15 like a machinegun[...]

June 15th, 2024 - 12:56 am § in Donald Trump, Humor, Politics, Republicans

President Bernie?

Not Bernie Sanders, President “Weekend At Bernie’s” Trump. “Former President Donald Trump failed … a room full of top CEOs … at the Business Roundtable’s quarterly meeting, multiple attendees told CNBC. ‘Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about,R[...]