Trump VP hopeful “evolves” on abortion

Trump has a talent for turning once-reasonable people into groveling sycophants.

The latest Republican to fall under his spell is North Dakota governor Doug Burgum, a tech millionaire turned politician.

Not so long ago, Burgum (photo, left; profile here) said outlawing abortion made it “unsafe” for “scared” young women. But with Trump dangling the vice presidency to him, just listen to him now:

TV host: “So, by your own standard, governor, is America unsafe for women as a result of Roe being overturned?”

Burgum: “No, it’s not. And, of course, this is something that should have been returned to the states.”

He continued,

“Let’s be clear, that was a comment from over eight years ago. And certainly, I’ve evolved in that position. And I have been clear that I’m opposed to a federal abortion ban. I’m aligned with President Trump on that, and this is something that has to be left to the states.”

(Read story here).

Eight years ago is when he first ran for North Dakota governor. That’s the position he got elected on. And now he’s going back on his word to those voters. If they couldn’t trust his word then, how can America’s voters trust his word now?

What if Trump, whose profligate lying makes drunken sailors look honest, is telling voters he’s against a federal abortion ban just to defuse the women’s vote; then, when he gets back in office, signs a Republican-passed federal abortion ban? Does anyone reading this believe he wouldn’t?

Burgum just told us he’s “aligned with Trump.” That means if Trump’s position changes, his position will change, too. Burgum just told us we can’t trust him.

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