Rightwing group is compiling a federal employee blacklist

A private conservative group, profiled here, plans to name online federal employees they regard as hostile with the intent of forcing them out of their jobs, the Guardian reported on Sunday, June 30, 2024 (read story here).

The federal civil service system was establish in 1871 to replace the political “spoils” system. By law, civil service employees can only be fired for cause, and can appeal terminations to the Merit Systems Protection Board.

Civil service workers typically have specialized duties, which may require expertise, and are required to follow the law in performing their jobs. The group wants to replace them with party loyalists who will carry out political directives that might not be legal.

Their scheme would constitute doxxing and harassment of federal employees. They self-described their activities as a “declaration of war on the deep state,” referring to the merit-based, nonpartisan federal bureaucracy that does the work of the government. The Guardian noted they have “a track record of … targeting women and people of color.”

It’s a change of tactics. Previously, blacklisting efforts were generally limited to appointees requiring confirmation. But now conservatives seeking to remake society from top to bottom are going after everyone.

“Librarians, teachers, professors, public health officials, election officials, who were previously anonymous, and left to do their jobs, now have to worry about being doxxed, being accused of being disloyal and being part of the deep state,” a Georgetown political scientist said. “I think that is really quite new.”

It’s also hateful and scary, it’s all coming from the radical right, and the way to prevent it is by not giving Republicans governing power.

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