GOPer demands Biden take drug test before debate

This is political theater, nothing more.

It’s in the category of “believing something makes it true.” For example, “if Republicans believe elections are unfair, that makes them unfair.” The polite term for this is “logical fallacy;” the impolite term starts with “b” and ends with “t”, as in “b——t.”

This goofy demand comes from Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), who as Trump’s White House physician was ridiculed for his glowing assessments of Trump’s health, and as a Navy officer was demoted for drinking on duty and mistreating subordinates (read details here), which isn’t much of a character reference.

Specifically, Jackson declared, “I’m going to be demanding on behalf of many millions of concerned Americans right now that he submit to a drug test before and after this debate, specifically looking for performance-enhancing drugs.”

He’s referring to low-information MAGA enthusiasts who get their propaganda from Fox News, social media, and other dubious sources. According to NBC News (see story here),

“Baseless accusations that Biden has used performance-enhancing drugs have dovetailed with attacks on the president’s age and mental fitness as he seeks another term at 81. Former President Donald Trump, who just turned 78, has also faced questions about his cognitive abilities, including when he misidentified Jackson as ‘Ronny Johnson’ at a rally last weekend.”

Hey, Jackson or Johnson, who cares. Besides, I don’t think there’s a pill to take for that. Maybe, though, Trump should consider taking one of the new drugs for obesity, a health problem that Biden doesn’t have.

As for Ronny Johnson or Jackson, whatever his name is, nobody thinks of him as a doctor anymore. He’s a clown politician now.

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