Why malls don’t have windows

It’s a strategy to part you from your money. Here’s how they do that:

  • The “unnaturally bright artificial lighting strived to create a perpetual daytime environment. This way, mall visitors would stay longer than they had expected to and spend more than they would have wanted to.”
  • To “make shoppers lose track of time.”

  • It “creates an environment of consumption without distractions.”

Bottom line, “A mall is a machine for selling.” Without windows, you can’t see a storm coming in, or notice it’s getting dark, or get distracted by what’s going on outside. They want to keep you there as long as possible, and keep you focused on the merchandise, so you’ll leave with less money in your wallet or purse, or more charges on your credit card. Read story here.

Businesses aren’t your friend. They employ high-priced consultants to figure out subtle ways to take more money from you. But ultimately you’re in the driver’s seat, and you can outsmart them, because you have the power to walk away.

You can go to a mall with a list of items you need that are on sale, stick to your shopping list, and leave with what you planned to buy. It takes discipline, but you can say “no” to the temptations they dangle in front of you. By heading them off at the pass, you can stay ahead of them.

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