Racist punches Bellingham boy

Republicans deny racism exists. In June 2023, the Atlantic said, “One of the core beliefs that binds the modern GOP coalition is rejection of the idea that minorities and women face structural bias in American society” (see story here). In January 2024, GOP candidates Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis claimed the U.S. isn’t a racist country (see story here). Technically, they’re correct: The U.S. isn’t a racist country; it’s a country that has racists.

To victims of racism, it’s a distinction without a difference. One of those victims is a Bellingham, Washington, 6th grader. On Wednesday, June 12, 2024, he was walking with his class from a field trip when a white man crossed the street, pushed a student, said “Are you gonna talk to a white man like that?” and punched the boy in his face (read story here).

It happened in front of a police station, and the suspect, Paul Jonathan Bittner, 42, was arrested. He’s charged with a hate crime, with bail set at $500,000. Bittner isn’t a Bellingham native; it appears he was released from a California prison last year (see rap sheet here). The incident was caught on surveillance video (below).

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