GOP wants to repeal no-fault divorce

When Republicans claim to be the “party of personal freedom,” the joke goes “freedom for them, not for anyone else.”

They certainly don’t believe in reproductive freedom; they fought it tooth-and-nail from the day the Supreme Court decided in 1973 that abortion was a constitutional right.

After the Supreme Court’s Catholic justices allowed states to ban or restrict abortions, Republicans began targeting contraception (see story here).

Now they’re coming for no-fault divorce (read story here). The “Family Values Party” wants to impose their family values on you.

There’s always fault in divorce; people don’t divorce for no reason, but never mind that. Advocates of forced marriage aren’t interested in why couples divorce (#1 reason: too much conflict, incessant arguing; #2 reason: lack of commitment; #3 reason: infidelity/extramarital affairs; see 19 leading causes here).

They don’t care about their welfare or happiness. In their worldview, individuals don’t count. This is social engineering by people motivated by social vision or religious beliefs.

The GOP pays lip service to individual liberty, but is increasingly interfering in Americans’ private lives and telling them how to live.

By the way, if a man wants a new woman, but can’t divorce his wife, what’s he gonna do? Push her off a cliff?

Below: Conservatives are wedded to old-fashioned concepts of matrimony

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