Marco Rubio is a midget

I’ve posted my opinion that Nikki Haley is a dud. By that I mean she’s not presidential material. Neither is Marco Rubio.

Rubio, 53, was once a rising GOP star, sometimes compared to John F. Kennedy. But Rubio keeps shrinking in stature. I’m convinced he lacks the qualities we should want to see in a president.

When Rubio ran for president in 2016, he performed poorly in the primary debates, and dropped out after winning only 1 Florida county in his home state (details here). Lately, like all GOP politicians these days, he grovels to Trump.

A day after Trump’s New York trial ended with a jury verdict against him, NBC News reported (here) that “Rubio has been vehemently criticizing Trump’s conviction.” Well okay, he wants to be Trump’s veep pick (why?), and even if he didn’t, Republican politicians have to do that or they’ll be tarred and feathered by their party and Trump’s supporter mob.

Perhaps that could be overlooked if Rubio had stopped there. But he’s also “deriding the judge and prosecutors;” and because he’s a lawyer, it’s distressing to watch him attack our legal system. If he said that in the context of a representing a client before the court, he’d be violating Florida’s professional conduct rules.

How he attacked the court system, judge, and jury is even more disturbing; and reveals Rubio to be a small, small man. He compared Trump’s trial to Cuban show trials. See the tweet and video he posted here. This is 🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣 (clowns and LOLs). It’s unserious.

As a side note, Rubio was born to Cuban-American parents, but they weren’t refugees. They emigrated to America over 2 years before Castro came to power. He and they no doubt have strong feelings about the Castro dictatorship, but that doesn’t excuse comparing an American judge and jury to a brutal regime that murdered political opponents. It’s a very small thing to say about his birth country.

I’m against electing unserious people to the presidency. Rubio is mocking a foundational institution of our free society. That’s disqualifying, and I wouldn’t vote for someone like that.

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