“Jeff Butane” robocalls are a scam

Have you been getting robocalls and voicemails from “Jeff Butane about your project”?

Judging from the many times “Jeff Butane” has appeared on my caller ID recently, and the multiple voicemails about my “project,” this scam is raining down on Seattle-area residents.

This is what ScamFinder tells us here:

“In early May 2024, reports started surfacing of people receiving calls and voicemails from companies claiming to follow up on previous inquiries for home improvement services.”

The caller ID displays a local phone number, but the call actually could be from anywhere; scammers routinely spoof area codes and phone numbers. Some of  the voicemails mention a company (e.g. “Green Builders”) that doesn’t exist. ScamFinder says these robocalls are

” … a new scam tactic: fraudsters posing as construction workers and companies. Their goal? To confuse you into revealing personal details.”

Standard scam-avoidance advice applies: Don’t pick up calls you don’t recognize; if it’s important, they’ll leave a voicemail. Don’t give personal information over the phone. Never say the word “yes” on the phone because it can be recorded and used to authenticate transactions.

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