All these chickens are under arrest!

The Libertarians held their 2024 nominating convention in Washington D.C. on Saturday, May 26, 2024.

They invited Biden, Trump, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., but only Trump and Kennedy showed up. Trump was accompanied by a Secret Service detail.

Trump isn’t popular with the Libertarians. Or with Kennedy, whose political action committee handed out rubber chickens so “the crowd could heckle Trump for refusing to debate him.”

But the Secret Service, on Trump’s orders, confiscated the rubber chickens because, as PoliticusUSA said here, “Trump is afraid of being heckled.” If so, immobilizing the chickens didn’t accomplish much, because the crowd loudly heckled and booed him (see story here).

The Secret Service agents also made convention attendees surrender water bottles and lighters. Why isn’t clear, but one surmises they didn’t want a Blues Brothers scene and — I’m guessing — attendees smoking joints while he was in the building.

A video of Trump’s speech is embedded in The Hill article here (it’s a long video; scroll forward to near the end), and it looks like at least one rubber chicken evaded arrest, because you can see it at the end of Trump’s speech.

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