MAGA flag was seen at Alito vacation home

Someone in Justice Alito’s household is flying their politics on flagpoles.

First it was an American flag flying upside at his Alexandria, Virginia, home (see my article here). Alito, who came under criticism for this, claims his wife did it after arguing with a neighbor over his “F— Trump” yard sign.

The upside-down display of the Stars and Stripes is a traditional distress signal adopted as a MAGA symbol. The so-called “Appeal to Heaven” (aka “Pine Tree”) flag is a “stop the steal” symbol — and also a Christian nationalism symbol — displayed by Jan. 6, 2021 rioters (photo below).

Speaker Johnson has one outside his office (see photo in CNN article here), but attributes it to George Washington and claims it’s innocuous. Like Humpty Dumpty in Alice in Wonderland, he’s making it mean whatever he wants it to mean.

One was seen flying at the Alitos’ vacation home last summer, too (photo, left; read story here). Alito has yet to tell us what he wants it to mean.

But I’ll say this, these antics don’t help with public trust of the Supreme Court in the toilet.

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