Would you pay $396 for a designer pineapple?

If you’re in the market, order yours here, oops sorry, sold out.

The Rubyglow™ designer pineapple grown by Fresh Del Monte, a multinational food corporation, is a real thing. The company grows only a few thousand of them, and they’re supposed to be superior to the pineapples it feeds to the serf classes (read story here).

I’m not sure you eat it, though. I think you buy it for the same reason you bought the Lamborghini in your driveway you never drive on public streets: For snobbery (“I can afford this, can you?”). Which makes no sense to me; if someone gave me one, I’d eat it.

Pineapples are for eating, not rotting on a coffee table.

As for people who toss money around just to show they can, if you need a $396 pineapple to feel good about yourself, you must have one heck of an inferiority complex.

Years ago someone described the rat race as follows: “A typical American works at a job he hates, to earn money he doesn’t need, to buy things he doesn’t want, to impress people he doesn’t like.” I think the rat race was invented by people trying to sell stuff.

I’m not a rat, don’t like running on treadmills, and while there are people I don’t like, I feel under no obligation to impress them. And I don’t answer the phone when salesmen call wanting to know if they can interest me in a pineapple that costs more than a decent laptop computer.

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