Why bother to be rich?

Being rich requires special effort, such as having wealthy parents, flipping houses, or winning the lottery. So why bother?

Many people think money is about material comforts, but the trappings of wealth are a bother, just ask every super-wealthy person you know. (Do you want to spend your weekends mowing this lawn?)

That isn’t half of it. Money is power; power brings privilege; and privilege is not having to follow the rules that apply to everyone else (e.g., your children don’t need good grades to get into good colleges, and don’t go to prison if they kill someone driving drunk). The special effort to be rich is worthwhile, because being rich makes you and yours special.

So the whole point (or most of it) of being filthy rich is being a rotten person and getting away with it. And when powerful moneyed people have rules imposed on them, they feel cheated of their due. Have you noticed that?

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