Trump judge blocks limit on credit card fees

“A federal judge in Texas temporarily halted a plan by the Biden administration to lower late fees on credit cards to $8 … slated to go into effect next week,” ABC News reported on Saturday, May 11, 2024 (see story here). Credit card late fees currently average $32, which is four times as much.

The injunction issued by Judge Mark Pittman (photo, left; profile here) “is a win for the big banks and major credit card companies, which collect billions in revenue each year in late fees,” the story says.

Trump filled the Texas federal courts with rightwing extremists; and in Texas, federal judicial districts are arranged so plaintiffs can choose their judge. The controversial practice is known as “judge shopping.”

Consequently, conservatives flock to these Texas judges to get rulings against the entire nation. Pittman was picked for this case by the Chamber of Commerce, which sued on behalf of the banks and credit card companies. Pittman also struck down Biden’s student loan forgiveness program, and ruled Texas teenagers can carry concealed handguns.

Note: This article was cited by DemocracyLab here.

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