GOPer calls Gaza war “Biblical warfare”

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC; photo left, profile here) called the Gaza war “Biblical” and claimed Israel “doesn’t occupy the land, they own it,” The Hill reported on Saturday, May 11, 2024 (read story here).

That doesn’t seem to leave a lot of room for Gaza’s approximately 2.4 million Palestinian inhabitants, even though they have nowhere else to go.

That’s also not an accurate description of Gaza’s internationally recognized status. Under the 1993 Oslo Accords (details here), Gaza is under the Palestinian National Authority, which calls itself the “State of Palestine” (see Wikipedia articles here and here).

Mace apparently decided to cede Gaza to Israel all by herself, without anyone’s permission. She also had nothing to say, nada, about the huge numbers of innocent Palestinian civilians, many of them women and children, being killed by Israel’s assault on Gaza.

You shouldn’t be surprised. This woman is crazy. Her own staff called her “delusional” (story here), and they all quit (story here). She’s proof that Republican voters will elect literally anybody to Congress.

Below: Biblical warfare as envisioned by Nancy Mace (click on image to enlarge). I think the bad guys are supposed to be the ones with bows and arrows.

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