GOP legislator assumes disabled people “took risks”

Richard Holtorf (photo, left) is a college graduate and retired Army colonel (read his bio here), so he wasn’t always stupid. He became stupid after being elected as a Republican to the Colorado legislature.

When Holtorf spoke against a discrimination bill, he suggested disabled people don’t deserve to have legal remedies, because they got hurt by taking risks. He specifically compared them to people who participate in Pamplona, Spain’s running of the bulls (video below).

The bill’s author, state Rep. David Ortiz (photo, right; bio here), is an Army veteran who was paralyzed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan. I suppose that’s akin to “running with the bulls,” in that he deliberately put himself in harm’s way by volunteering to serve our country.

By the way, Holtorf is a rancher, which means he’s probably a practicing socialist, because western ranchers benefit from federal water projects and below-market grazing fees on BLM lands.

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