Fox host attacks Lego toys as “woke”

“A legendary toy line expanding its product portfolio to make children feel more inclusive has offended a popular Fox News host who considers the move to be ‘woke’ behavior,” Raw Story reported on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 (see story here).

It’s hard to tell whether Harris Faulkner (bio here), who’s been at Fox since 2005, actually dislikes inclusivity, or just likes being paid a lot of money to say she doesn’t like it. Lego, a privately-held Danish company, probably just wants to make a lot of money by selling toys.

This isn’t Faulkner’s first run-in with a toy company. In 2015, she sued Hasbro for naming a plastic hamster after her. (It does kinda look like her, see photo at right.)

Maybe what pissed her off is Hasbro labeled her namesake a “choking hazard” (see story here). She sued for infringement; you can’t get defamation damages if what they say about you is true.

Fox, the propaganda arm of the Republican Party, can be counted on to reliably parrot GOP talking points, even when Fox hosts know they’re lying; and the GOP has launched a full-fledged assault on diversity, inclusion, and tolerance. They’re targeting universities and schools, teachers and librarians, Disney World, and now Lego toys (photo below).

Maybe it’s time for everybody to stop taking Fox seriously. I never did; I’ve always known Fox is entertainment aimed at a particular audience, not serious news or commentary (see story here). If you still harbor any doubts, calling toys “woke” should put that to rest.

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