Florida won’t be a state in a few years

It’ll be a reef.

Disney World will be gone, but it’s on the way out anyway, Gov. DeSantis having declared it “woke.”

On the bright side, Congress will be rid of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), and there’ll be two fewer Republican senators.

“Antarctica’s ‘Doomsday Glacier’ – nicknamed because its collapse could drive catastrophic sea level rise – is melting rapidly in unexpected ways,” CNN reported on Wednesday, February 15, 2023 (read story here). As in faster and accelerating.

“The complete collapse of the Thwaites [Glacier, photo below] itself could lead to sea level rise of more than two feet (70 centimeters) …. But the Thwaites is also acting like a natural dam to the surrounding ice … and scientists have estimated global sea level could ultimately rise around 10 feet if the Thwaites collapsed.”

I don’t know exactly how much of Florida is less than 10 feet above sea level, but I’m guessing a lot of it is. The entire state’s average elevation is 100 feet above MSL, and climate change modeling shows worst-case sea-level rise exceeding that, so the state doesn’t have much future except as fish habitat.

Look, I’m pessimistic about climate change (nuclear weapons, too, but at least everyone admits the latter are real and bad). I think we’ll reach a point in a few decades where pointing fingers at the jackasses who got us there won’t matter because we’ll have our species survival to worry about. The time to prevent climate catastrophe is right now, but humanity clearly isn’t doing that and equally clearly isn’t going to.

So why be optimistic, when there’s no reason to be?

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