Why DeSantis shouldn’t run for president

That’s the title of a Mother Jones article here.

Its thesis: Trump would eat him alive. The author, David Corn (profiled here), says, “Donald Trump is fueled by vengeance. And this is why, as of now, it would be foolish for Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis to run for president in 2024 … Trump will do whatever it takes to destroy DeSantis.”

Yes, that may be true, but there are worse tragedies than DeSantis getting run over by Trump. There’s a far better reason why DeSantis shouldn’t run for president, or be elected if he does: He’s a monster in his own right.

This is the guy who used federal Covid relief funds to pay a private no-bid crony contractor over $30,000 per person to fly Venezuelan asylum seekers lawfully in the U.S. from Texas to Massachusetts, where they were dumped on a curb. Some of them were kids.

This is the guy who’s threatening to jail teachers for telling Florida schoolkids that America has a history that includes slavery, KKK terrorism, and racial discrimination; and who just last week blocked an advanced placement African-American studies course in Florida high schools.

This is the guy who fought Covid-19 containment measures and now is trying to make public health mandates illegal in Florida. His state has twice the Covid death rate per 100,000 population as Washington, where I live. Do you want this where you live?

DeSantis is more interested in pissing off liberals than governing or solving problems. His assaults on freedom of thought and free speech are breathtaking. Blacks, teachers, nurses, workers of all kinds, are lucky he’s not president. So are we. Pray our luck doesn’t change.

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