Anti-masker calls security guard a “Nazi” for doing his job

Ricky Schroder (bio here) is a minor celebrity, so not-famous I never heard of him until he called a security guard a “Nazi” for doing his job (no mask, no entry).  The Twittersphere isn’t being kind to him (see tweets here). I’m not, either. He’s a jerk. This video shows what government employees have to put up with from the public; in I’m my opinion, they’re not paid enough. This wasn’t Schroder’s first go-round; he previously abused a Costco employee over a mask rule the employee had no control over. He later apologized — but then did it again. And lest we forget, mask rules aren’t just to protect him, but also — and primarily — to protect others from him. He seems very much like the type who doesn’t care if he carries the virus and infects strangers.

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