Conspiracy theories are brain-eating Pac-Mans

The question is, where do they come from, and why do people get sucked in? A freelance writer and city councilmember in Teton Valley, Idaho, tackles those questions, and offers some insights, derived from her experiences with her brother.

“My Gentle, Intelligent Brother Is Now A Conspiracy Theorist And His Beliefs Are Shocking”

“I’ve tried to make sense of how my little brother ― who I think of as highly intelligent, gentle and conscientious ― has come to embrace [conspiracy theories] and make it his life’s mission to spread [them]. It’s incredibly challenging to continue interacting with him, and I’ve found myself wondering if I even should.”

These are super-difficult questions to wrestle with, regardless of whether the person is a family member or a stranger. Read what she has to say about it and what’s going on in our nation today, here.

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