
Elizabeth Holmes is very good at seducing people.

She seduced Betsy DeVos and her family out of $100 million. (Trump’s education secretary married into the Amway billionaire’s family.)

Now she’s working on the jurors in her fraud trial. She doesn’t say anything. Doesn’t have to. She’s got that look, and knows how to use body language, like holding her mother’s hand when she walks into court.

“Creating an alternate possible narrative beside that of a corner-cutting and greedy CEO” who used her charm and seductive talents to suck in investors and corporate customers as she sold a fake blood-testing machine is the game she’s playing now.

Maybe her attorneys told her to do play the seductress with the jury, too. Or maybe they didn’t have to.

And if that doesn’t work, her fallback defense is, “My boyfriend made me do it.”

Read story here.

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