Idaho recounts debunk fraud claims

“A hand recount of Bonner County’s 2020 ballots found eight more votes for former President Donald Trump and one more for President Joe Biden,” a Spokane newspaper reported on October 2, 2021.

“The Idaho Secretary of State’s Office said … the nine ballots were attributed to faintly marked ballots and human error,” the Spokesman-Review said, adding they had already recounted ballots in Butte and Camas counties “in response to My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell’s election fraud claims that … Bonner County undercounted 2,200 votes for Trump.”

Those recounts showed no changes in Biden’s vote total for either county, and 9 fewer votes for Trump in Butte County and 1 less vote for him in Camas county.

In other words, in all 3 counties combined, counting errors cost Biden 1 vote and gave Trump 2 more votes.

Trump won all 3 of those lightly-populated rural counties by large margins (see results here).

Read story here.

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Mark Adams #

    So no dirty rotten scoundrel’s in Idaho. Seems if there were they would likely be Republicans. [Edited comment]

  2. Roger Rabbit #

    Yup. The main point, though, is that Mike Lindell is a gasbag.