A brief history of Texas’s attempt to jail a woman for selling dildos

Illegal in Texas

The Texas legislature, to sidestep the constitutional restraints preventing government agents from searching citizens’ bedrooms for condoms or watching them have sex, didn’t ban possession or use of dildos; they only banned the sale of dildos.

Undercover cops actually busted a churchgoing Baptist mother of three children employed as a sales rep for a sex toys company. Under the law, she could have gotten 2 years in jail.

Ted Cruz, then Texas attorney general, defended the law in court.

His legal briefs referred to dildos as “obscene devices,” because that’s how the Texas law labeled them. He argued “government had a legitimate role to play in ‘discouraging prurient interests in autonomous sex and the pursuit of sexual gratification unrelated to procreation.’” (Again, how do you enforce that without posting guards in people’s bedrooms? And doesn’t this smack of forcing people to have children?)

Not surprisingly, he lost the case. The court ruled that “government officials could not claim as part of their job duties the obligation to reduce masturbation or nonprocreative sexual activity.” Remember, this is what Cruz (and Texas Republicans in general) wanted.

Don’t believe Republicans when they assert they’re for personal freedom and less government. They’re as eager to sic morals police on the general population as the Taliban are.

Read story here.

Photo: Better than a man; doesn’t wake you up at 2 a.m. …

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