Swan census

Ever heard of “swan upping”?

Me neither. It’s a British term. For taking inventory of the Queen’s swans.

“The ceremony dates back 800 years to when the English crown first claimed ownership of all mute swans,” Reuters, a U.K. news service, reports. (Read story here.) Hmm. Should we call Elizabeth “the Swan Queen”? (No relation to the “Swan King” who died in his swan lake; read about him here.)

To carry out the swan census, a team catches the birds, lifts them (I wouldn’t do that; swans can be mean), and examines them for injuries from fishing tackle (fishing in the Queen’s moat?!) and vandals with BB guns. Yes, BB guns.

“The shootings, I think, really is because youngsters can go into a shop and buy an air rifle, they go down to the river, they see a big white target, bang. And it’s appalling,” the Queen’s chief swan-counter said. If he thinks that’s bad, he should visit Chicago or L.A. sometime. In an armored car.

Photo: Upping swans. In proper uniform, in a proper boat, with a royal flag, of course. 

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  1. Mark Adams #

    Since her majesty watched the ceremony in 2009 she s the “Seigneur of the Swans.”

    Don’t forget the Vintners Company and the Dyers company who share ownership. They put their rings on the other foot of the swans from the Queens and now for a pint at “The Swan With Two Necks.” You buying the pints RR?

  2. Roger Rabbit #

    I thought you were.