Rightwing inciter

     One of the zaniest Republicans in Congress, Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC, on the right in photo at left, rap sheet here), “who has lied about being accepted to the Naval Academy and about the car crash that partially paralyzed him,” doesn’t like Biden’s idea of knocking on doors to encourage people to get Covid-19 vaccinations. (Note this involves asking, not ordering.)
     But wait until you see what he said about it.

     “Now they’re talking about going door-to-door to take vaccines to the people,” Cawthorn complained on a rightwing radio show. “Then think about what those mechanisms could be used for. They could then go door-to-door to take your guns. They could then go door-to-door to take your Bibles.”

     That’s quite a leap of logic.
     Could isn’t will. A frozen turd falling from a jetliner passing overhead could hit you on the head, but there’s no reason to expect one will. I’m not going to wear a helmet when I’m outdoors because of this very, very remote possibility.
     But this won’t fail to whip up fear, anger, and paranoia among the audiences who listen to people like him. There’s a big market for this kind of demagoguery, which in any other context would be regarded as stupid and infantile, and a sign of ignorance and immaturity. Twitter users are having a field day with him. (See some of their comments here.)
     The sad thing is, some people may die from Covid-19 because they listened to him.
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  1. Mark Adams #

    Biden’s suggestion is not an idea that is out there. Still maybe we should ask what is in the details. Is sending anyone around to knock on doors to encourage people to get Covid Vaccinations something the Federal Government can do? Can state or local government do this. Is state and local government the entities that would have the power to do this. Would putting a flyer in American’s mail boxes be a better idea.

    Do individuals have a right to be left alone by the government. Beyond the census and delivering mail I don’t see where the Federal government has a constitutional right to go door to door.

  2. Roger Rabbit #

    Oh, give me a break. If salesmen can go door to door to relieve you of your money, why can’t government knock on your door to save your life? There’s plenty of legal authority for disturbing your precious peace. Census takers don’t commit the crime of trespassing by coming to your front door to ask questions about your household composition. You can refuse to answer, and nothing will happen to you. Mailmen ring your bell to have you sign for registered mail you don’t want to receive (which is why the sender sent it registered). You can refuse to sign, and nothing will happen to you. If a government agent urges you to get vaccinated, and you tell him to flake off and get off your property, the government won’t do anything to you. However, Covid-19 might.