Bill Barr tries to salvage his reputation

Bill Barr, whose official title was “Attorney General of the United States,” but who actually acted as Trump’s personal attorney and fixer, apparently doesn’t want to be remembered as a subversive who tried to overthrow our government.

With an eye on what’s happening to his partner in crime, Rudy Guiliani, he probably wants to keep his license to practice law. He probably wants to make money, too, and is doing it the way everyone else who had their fingers in the cookie jar is — by writing a book.

In his book, Barr tries to salvage his reputation by calling Trump’s election lies “bullshit,” claims he only ordered federal prosecutors to investigate “election fraud” to make Trump “put up or shut up,” and that he was going to speak out against Trump’s election lies “at the appropriate time.”

Which was not before January 6. Or even January 20. Or today, for that matter. Sometime in November 2020, when his book comes out.

Read story here.

Nobody should believe this nonsense. By every appearance, Barr was Trump’s loyal lackey throughout. There was no need for U.S. attorneys to investigate “election fraud,” as dozens of courts had already dismissed Trump’s election fraud claims for lack of any evidence.

He did, at one point, admit there was “no evidence of widespread fraud,” but barely whispered it, and did nothing to tamp down the fires of insurrection his boss was stoking. Neither did he resign, which is what any honorable public servant (as opposed to Trump’s personal servant) would have done in those circumstances.

Anyway, it’s too late. Barr’s reputation is ruined. He ruined it himself, by letting these toxic lies fly past him with barely a whimper, and by signaling his willingness to let the frightening power of federal law enforcement be used to undermine a legitimate election, and the implied threat that carried against honest election officials.

Barr’s place in history is fixed, and there’s nothing he can do about it. He will always be remembered as one of Trump’s consiglieres.

Related article: A former prosecutor says of Barr’s “rehabilitation tour”: Don’t buy it. (Read his comments here.)

Photo: You’re screwed, buddy

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