Do blacks have 2nd Amendment rights?

Heck no!

The 2nd Amendment was never meant to apply to them, it was meant to apply against them! And, largely, still is.

Oh, a black guy can go to the Bureau of Non-Regulation of Firearms, get a permit (because they have to give it to him), and carry a gun just like white folks. But that’s where the equality stops. Just ask Philando Castile, wherever he is now.

“Here was a Black man who was pulled over by police, who followed NRA guidelines in letting the police officer know that he had a license to carry a weapon,” a 2nd Amendment historian says here. And — BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! — “that led to Philando Castile being shot dead.” (There were actually seven bangs, but only five of them drilled holes in Castile, so to save pixels, I didn’t post the other two.)

The cop who drilled Castile walked. Of course he did; neither the Founding Fathers, nor those who came after, ever intended for black people to have guns, according to this historian.

How could they, when guns were for keeping black people away from white people (photo, left)?

As she puts it, “look at it this way. The insurrection that happened at the Capitol, if those have been Black folk –. Yeah. Up in Michigan, when the White folks were hollering in the face of security forces [photo, right], do you think it would have been business as usual if they had been Black?”

Of course not. Because, “We have a dual system here.”

Let’s recap: Whites, guns fine! Blacks, no guns!!! Guns are for protecting whites making threats (photo, above left) from non-threatening blacks (e.g., Philando Castile). If you can’t get that straight, you’ll never understand what the [White] Suprem[icist] Court does next.

She also points out “that famous line about a ‘well-regulated militia’ … was inserted primarily to deal with potential slave revolts.” And that’s still what it’s for — that and keeping peaceful Black Lives Matter demonstrations under control.

As for mass shootings, well, those are the necessary price we pay to keep the slaves on the plantation, the Confederate flags flying (photo, bottom left), and Robert E. Lee’s statue standing (photo, bottom).

By the way, does anybody here happen to know who won the Civil War?

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Mark Adams #

    This is all rather racist. A firearm does not care about your race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, economic status etc. It is a tool. Everything said in this piece could be said about native Americans, Asians, the Irish or white trash. There is just enough history to make it seem true then and that it still is. It is not true today. New York is not applying its gun regulation in a way to keep guns out of just black hands, more of a way to keep guns out of everyone’s hands, even those who can show a need for protection. Though those who work for the state such as those who are in law enforcement generally have carte blanche in getting a concealed weapons permit for life. Kind of a useful perk for those in blue in New York, and blacks in blue get the same perk. Look at those who get permits and one will find this is true. Suggest there are class or just government putting its interests first involved here. [This comment has been edited.]

  2. Roger Rabbit #

    By way of clarification, the commenter is referring to the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004, which allows LEOs and qualified retired or separated LEOs “to carry a concealed firearm in any jurisdiction in the United States, regardless of state or local laws, with certain exceptions,” according to Wikipedia (details here).