Cops killed him, then said he died in a car wreck

It took two years to get the bodycam videos. Now, his family knows why.

Ronald Greene wasn’t innocent. He led Louisiana state troopers on a high-speed car chase following a traffic stop. But he didn’t die in a crash, either.

When the cops caught up with him, they dragged him from his car, tased him, kicked and beat him bloody, then used sanitizer wipes to clean themselves as he laying on the ground dying.

Another black man killed by white cops. See story and videos here.

Subsequently, the police lied in their reports, made no mention of using force, and falsely claimed Greene died from injuries sustained from impact with a tree. Some of the officers involved in Greene’s death have been involved in other incidents of excessive force against other motorists.

Greene shouldn’t have run from the cops, but he wasn’t a criminal otherwise. In any case, our laws don’t allow cops to inflict “street justice.”

And that’s the point.

Update (5/25/21): Two of the troopers will be fired for excessive use of force and other violations of department policies (a category that includes use of body cameras, contents of police reports, etc.). A third trooper would have been fired, had he not died in a car crash. Read story here.

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