Play the All-Star game in Taiwan!

Baseball’s poobahs missed a great opportunity when they (quite properly) fled the Undemocratic Republic of Georgiastan.

A “great opportunity to seed new markets, build its brand, and address growing anti-Asian sentiment in the United States, … [and] help protect and defend global democracy,” The Hill says (read story here).

Instead of moving the All-Star game to Colorado, they should play it in Taiwan.

That would “show non-military U.S. support for the embattled island nation. It also would reward a model COVID-response nation with a popular professional sporting event … that is having a hard time performing in … the U.S. Finally, a show of solidarity with an Asian nation could help turn the tide on anti-Asian racial stereotyping and racism.”

That would also set an example for the quisling NBA, which has been kowtowing to the communist bullies in Beijing in hopes of exploiting the Chinese market.

Baseball is popular, and played, in Taiwan. The game would be well-attended. The question is: Would it be bombed?

Photos: Taiwanese baseball fans and players

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Mark S Adams #

    If baseball really wants to play politics it should allow a team or teams to become Major League teams in Taiwan. That will piss off Communist China, and shore up American support for Taiwan. America would go to war over baseball, so either we will be in a shooting war or China will jaw jaw jaw. And finally accept the reality Taiwan is a separate nation. Though the old guard in Taiwan might argue they are the true government of all of China.

  2. Roger Rabbit #

    China will never tolerate the strategic implications of Taiwan being a separate nation. To them, that’s equivalent to Russian or Chinese bases in Cuba. On the other hand, the U.S. can’t just write off an ally, either. This is a likely place for World War 3 to start. You might be interested in reading the novel “2034.”