
From an ABC News article published on Friday, March 19, 2021:

“The four biggest airlines control about 65% of U.S. passenger traffic, five giant healthcare insurers control an estimated 45% of the market, pharmaceuticals are dominated by three major companies, the top four banks control about 44% of the market, the so-called Big Five book publishers control some 80% of the U.S. book market, and Google alone accounts for about 90% of web searches worldwide. … Four companies are estimated to control 80% of U.S. meat-packing; the top four brewers and importers control about 76% of the U.S. beer market. … Critics say the corporate concentration is quickening, limiting consumers’ choices, raising prices and eroding service.”

They could’ve added that product quality almost invariably deteriorates when good small companies get bought out, e.g., when was the last time you found a good can opener? Congress may do something about it. Not specifically can openers, but oligopolies, and not limited to the tech giants. Read story here.

We’ll see. Much talk and no action is par for the course.

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