China wants its own moon rocks

China is going to the moon for rocks.

The Chinese plan to launch an unmanned lunar probe on Tuesday, November 24, 2020, to bring back 2 kg. of moon rocks. Currently, only the U.S. and Russia have moon material.

“Experts are hoping [the mission] will give a better understand how long the Moon remained volcanically active and when its magnetic field – essential in protecting any life from the Sun’s radiation – dissipated,” BBC said. Read story here.

Gotta wonder, though, if the real purpose of the mission is to claim ownership of the moon.

Meanwhile, an Indonesian man acquired a space rock for much less trouble and expense — it came to him. Read that story here.

Photo: The rocket that will carry China’s moon probe 

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Update (10/23/20): China successfully launched its moon probe (photo below); story here.

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