This article talks a lot about Darwin Awards.
Fox News intellectual Tucker Carlson complained Friday the “left” calling Trump’s health mishap a self-own “is the same as blaming the victim of a sexual assault,” Huffington Post reported on Saturday, October 3, 2020 (read story here).
This might strike some folks as a tad hypocritical, as Carlson has a history of victim-blaming (see story here), but let’s skip that and stay on track.
The railroad track, that is. The people who write up Darwin Awards (you know what those are, right? if not, go here) said (here) that, “Death by train is almost too common to merit a Darwin Award.” There are countless ways to self-terminate by tangling with trains, such as rappelling off a railroad bridge on a rope tied to the rails (the problem wasn’t getting run over by the train; it was something else. If you can’t guess, go here).
You probably can guess by now where I’m going with this. One, Trump is now officially a Darwin Award pre-nominee. Two, there are better analogies than Carlson’s — waaay better — for how he became one, such as climbing a tree on the edge of a cliff, bungee jumping off a 70-foot bridge with an 80-foot bungee cord, or playing Russian roulette with a semiauto.
However, since Trump hasn’t fulfilled all the requirements for a Darwin Award yet, I’d compare him to am overgrown kid playing with oversized fireworks. But a sexual assault victim? Nah. Meanwhile, his Darwin Award, like his Nobel Prizes, is standing back and standing by.
Finally, let’s keep him and Melania in our thoughts and prayers, wish them well and a full recovery soon, and hope he learns something from this.
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Trump cannot be a Darwin Award nominee, he does not qualify. Reason: He has procreated, indeed more than once.
I dunno. Maybe he bought the kids on the black market and is faking fatherhood.