Watergate prosecutor: Trump and Ivanka are jail bait

     A former Watergate prosecutor who investigated Nixon’s taxes says the revelations about Trump’s taxes could send him and his daughter to prison. Read story here.

     “Tax evasion is a five-year felony,” said Nick Akerman. “It’s a pretty serious crime, and the more money that’s stolen, the longer you go to jail for.”
     He said the New York Times reporting sets forth “a whole series of activities that could qualify as tax fraud, not tax avoidance.” Tax avoidance is taking advantage of legal loopholes, and is not a crime, while tax fraud involves lying about income and deductions.
     Akerman specifically referred to $700,000 of “consultant” fees Trump paid Ivanka while she was a salaried employee of the Trump Organization, which he says may have been “shifting the money around to avoid paying taxes on it,” as there was “no legitimate reason” to pay consulting fees to an employee. If prosecutors and courts determined that constituted tax fraud, they both were implicated, and could go to prison for it.
     (Click on .gif file at left to watch Trump do the shimmy!)
     Remember the “Most Popular” and “Most Likely To Succeed” in your high school yearbook? Well, the Trump family’s yearbook also was leaked, and it turns out Trump’s kids were voted “Most Likely To Spend Time In Prison.”

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