Ouch! That’s gotta hurt!

Tattoos aren’t exactly forever, but definitely are easier to get than get rid of.

“It’s a long story” that starts with getting drunk and “late one night … I got the Republican elephant tattooed” on her ass.

For a while, she “was quite pleased” with her tattoo, and went “to battle” against liberals “for fiscal responsibility, limited government, personal accountability and private sector efficiencies.” But fast forward to deficits, abuses of power, “astounding” corporate corruption, and a president “who insults everyone,” and “my previous Republican defenses are out the window.”

Yup, I agree. It’s impossible to defend voting Republican anymore. Even the excuse that the only alternative was voting Democrat doesn’t work now, with so many prominent Republicans lining up to endorse Biden.

“I sent emails inquiring about laser removal” of her tattoo when Trump won the GOP nomination, “having been against his selfish slash-and-burn business practices for years and certainly opposed to his total lack of moral character.” But she “didn’t really think he’d get elected” and still thought the GOP “likes morals and hard work and fairness,” a rationalization that’s simply unavailable now.

“You know how this story ends …. I was confused four years ago, and I’m even more confused now.” That’s it? That’s the ending? And why is she confused? What on God’s green earth is ambiguous about Trump’s total lack of moral character?

“So why are we rallying around this guy?” Here, she goes into a litany of Trump’s transgressions against civilized decency. Then she says, “I’m all about the tax cuts; I hated Barack Obama’s health insurance requirement and was thrilled it got (essentially) repealed; I’m pro the Second Amendment, capital punishment and capitalism; and I’m anti abortion, lofty minimum wages and bankrupting our country. I believe in individual freedoms, like praying in school or marrying anyone you want.”

Actually, she can pray in school. She’s always been able to pray in school. Even today, countless students pray, usually right before tests. True, the school couldn’t make her pray, but that’s different. That’s to protect her First Amendment rights, which include the right to not pray. By the way, when I started law school, the dean offered this advice to my entering class: “Hoping and praying are no substitute for studying.” He wasn’t saying we couldn’t pray, he only said it wouldn’t help. He was merely making an observation.

Her tattoo increasingly came to symbolize “overreaching government power, empty moral soapboxing, racism and a lack of regard for anyone who doesn’t fall in line.” She then observed, “Some of this may have existed within the party long before Trump, the racism, especially ….” which in fact it has, since 1968, when Nixon converted all the racist Democrats into racist Republicans by promising they could continue to be racist by joining the GOP.

She then says, “My hope has been” that Republicans would talk common sense “to a president who has none,” denounce the spending, racism, atrocities, incendiary comments, and overreaching government power. “But that hasn’t happened.” Her party “has been hijacked, and I think our best chance of getting it back is to not vote for Trump. We need to send the message that a candidate like this is unacceptable. If Trump-despising Republicans vote for him because we’re afraid of the alternative, our party will slip further and further away. If we want a chance at a decent candidate four years from now, we need to let this one go. I’m not saying we should all vote for Joe Biden ― I don’t plan to ….” (Click)

Wait. Why did we just have this conversation? After bringing your problems to me, and haranguing me about how bad Trump is and how badly he’s trashed the Republican Party (I don’t need persuading), you’re not going to vote against him? Then why are you talking to me? What is this, a beef session? Do you think this blog is a psychiatric couch?

Don’t you have an appointment about a tattoo?

Photo: The tattoo in question

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  1. g #

    Send her the address of the website with a middle finger emoji.

  2. Mark Adams #

    If she is a Washingtonian it really does not matter. There is a slim possibility thr Republican running for Governor could win, and if that happens maybe Trump might get the states electoral votes. If she is a Republican Washingtonian then she should have little angst about Trump or any Republican, this is a Democratic state and if the Democrats ran Alfred E Newman he would get the states electoral votes. Even if Newman ran against Jesus Christ as the second coming Alfred would win.