Archive for August, 2020

August 25th, 2020 - 1:03 am § in Law and Courts

Navy SEAL team was pulled from Iraq because of sexual misconduct

A Navy SEAL platoon in Iraq to fight ISIS was sent home early, which is extremely rare, because of an alleged rape incident following drinking at a July 4, 2019 barbeque, newly obtained documents revealed according to the Associated Press. The SEAL team member accused of the rape was court-martialed[...]

August 24th, 2020 - 10:41 pm § in Donald Trump, Politics

Don Trump Jr. shows how to take down a nest of Democrats

He throws knives, too. With his eyes. Here.[...]

August 24th, 2020 - 5:57 pm § in Donald Trump, Politics

Biden reaches out to Republicans not in Trump’s camp

It’s obvious: Every night of the Democratic convention featured prominent Republican speakers. Read story here. Among them: John Kasich, former Ohio governor and erstwhile GOP presidential candidate; Jeff Flake, former U.S. Senator from Arizona; Christine Todd Whitman, former New Jersey govern[...]

August 24th, 2020 - 3:22 am § in America, China, Economics, Environment, Foreign Affairs

What I think of Trump

This article is purely FWIW. I’m only 1 of some 330 million people in this country, which makes me just another person with an opinion, in a country with hundreds of millions of opinions. With respect to the coming election, most people already know who they’re going to vote for, and you[...]

August 23rd, 2020 - 10:08 pm § in Donald Trump, Politics

Kellyanne Conway quits

Kellyanne Conway, a White House senior adviser and Trump’s 2016 campaign manager, announced on Sunday, Aug. 23, 2020, she’s leaving her post to devote time to her family. Read story here. Her husband, George Conway, a Trump critic, also said he’s leaving the Lincoln Project, an ant[...]

August 23rd, 2020 - 9:11 pm § in Humor, Politics, Science

BREAKING NEWS — Asteroid to destroy earth a day before election

“An asteroid known as 2018 VP1 is headed straight to Earth” and “could hit on November 2, 2020, according to the Center for Near Earth Objects Studies (CNEOS) at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory,” numerous news sources reported on Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020. Read story he[...]

August 23rd, 2020 - 9:05 pm § in Racism

White cop shoots black man 7 times in front of his kids, touching off several nights of rioting

A black man trying to break up a fight between two women was shot in the back by one of several white cops responding to a domestic disturbance call when he entered a van occupied by his three young children, touching off several nights of rioting and peaceful protests. Buildings and vehicles were b[...]

August 23rd, 2020 - 7:45 pm § in Law and Courts

Did this traffic scofflaw deserve to die? Should cops have chased him?

A guy ran a red light in an Arkansas town. A cop turned on his flashers and siren. The driver sped away. The cop chased him for 1/2 hour, and finally used a PIT maneuver to stop him, at 109 mph. Both vehicles went airborne. The driver was killed, the cop injured. Obviously, a PIT […][...]

August 23rd, 2020 - 7:09 pm § in Misc.

What I think of today’s journalism.

Stupidity doesn’t deserve equal time. Lies don’t deserve equal space. All ideas aren’t equally valid. Journalists, do your job. No, it’s not easy. Never was. Return to The-Ave.US Home Page[...]

August 23rd, 2020 - 7:00 pm § in Misc.

How bad will it get for colleges?

Dozens of universities and colleges were already under financial stress from declining enrollments and state support before Covid-19 shut down campuses. With classrooms and dorms shuttered, some may not survive. You’ve possibly heard of the Federal Reserve’s bank “stress tests̶[...]