Navy SEAL team was pulled from Iraq because of sexual misconduct

A Navy SEAL platoon in Iraq to fight ISIS was sent home early, which is extremely rare, because of an alleged rape incident following drinking at a July 4, 2019 barbeque, newly obtained documents revealed according to the Associated Press. The SEAL team member accused of the rape was court-martialed last December and is awaiting trial in November 2020.

The same platoon’s chief, accused of sexual misconduct in a separate incident, was kicked out of the SEALs, but not the Navy, a decision he is appealing. Three SEAL officers were fired. Read story here.

The barbeque occurred just 2 days after a military jury acquitted a SEAL from a different unit of murdering an ISIS prisoner, but found him guilty of posing with the teenage prisoner’s body, which led him to being stripped of his SEAL insignia and demoted. President Trump reversed that individual’s punishment, but he has left the Navy. Read that story here.

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