Yesterday’s News: Covid-19 cases from Sturgis rally in 3 states

And there will be more. Many more. Read story here.

Look, I understand people feel cooped up, have cabin fever, are going stir crazy. I understand. Count to 10, then backwards to 1, and repeat. Read a book. Look something up on the internet. Watch a movie. Consider this coronavirus standdown a practice drill for when the ground will glow. But don’t do this

… because …

… you might get sick and die.


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  1. Mark Adams #

    It is not that simple. While one might assume Sturgis is just a gathering of motorcycle enthusiasts and they are just getting together to raise hell. There are economics involved. Some go mostly for legal purposes to make money, and the town of Sturgis relies on this annual event so it doesn’t dry up and blow away in the hot sun. People are social animals and they go to meet friends, lovers, local law enforcement, family, their lawyer, ect at Sturgis.

    Corvid continues to act like any virus depending on it particulars. It is infecting new hosts which is its reason for existence. The question is whether it will become endemic or disappear. And our efforts may make the disease endemic. It is now part of the US if not the world environment. What we have done may make it endemic for a longer time than if the disease were allowed to spread through the population perhaps making 20% ill and killing less than 1% of those infected. As diseases go this is not a particularly deadly disease. There are likely many pandemics just the virus does not make many human beings sick and none or very few human beings dies. That unknown virus would be a highly successful virus within human hosts.